Losing weight and keeping the pounds off isn't a quick or easy process, but a few simple diet tricks can be a big help along the way. Our solution, Eating lots of protein, fiber, and healthy carbs, which boost your metabolism and keep you feeling full all day long.
Foods that burns fat !! We know, it sounds like it's too good to be true. But there actually are some things you can eat that spike the metabolism, trigger hormones that release fat, and eliminate toxins that make it hard for your body to shed unwanted pounds.
In this free app we will provide you with a lots of information about how to lose weight using healthy foods. If you're not sure how to work these fat burning ingredients into your daily menu, start with these recipes. They all include at least one weight loss super-food, and, best of all, they can be made in 30 minutes or less!
Learn How Simple Foods Can Burn Belly Fat and Make Your Body Ripped, and start introducing a few more foods that burn fat into your diet each time until you find that you’re eating much more of them than you used to. Just be cautioned, For these foods to work their miracles, they must be consumed as part of a clean diet. That's right, don't expect to make up for a junk-filled day by noshing on a few fat-burning kale chips.
If you view food as the enemy, this application will introduce you to some foods that might make you change your mind and have them work for you instead of against you.
Here is a quick view of the recipes contained in this app:
- Creamy Avocado Cups
- Greek Yogurt Fruit Parfait
- Banana Nut Oatmeal
- Banana & Sunflower Seeds Breakfast
- Avocado Whip
- Stuffed Blueberry French Toast
- Southwestern Breakfast Burrito
- Crisp Chickpea Slaw
- Baked Veggie Omelet
- Crisp Chickpea Slaw
- Black Bean and Chicken Chilaquiles
- Broccoli & Feta Omelet with Toast
- Honey Grapefruit with Banana
- Curried Egg Salad Sandwich
- Maple Salmon with Greens
- Spicy Southwestern Black Bean Chili
- Strawberry Chicken Salad
- Thai Chicken-Broccoli Wraps
- Cuban Sandwich
- Greek Quinoa and Avocados
- Miso Beef and Noodles
- Barbecue Chicken Salad
- Red-Lentil Hummus
- Southwestern Black Bean Cakes
- Cookie Crunch Smoothie
*** This application is constantly updated with new foods and recipes ! ***
*** Each recipe is provided with nutritional information to help you control your calories consumption. ***
Share this application with your friends and family and enjoy the benefits of these healthy foods and recipes.
- 奶油鳄梨杯
- 希腊酸奶水果芭菲
- 香蕉坚果麦片
- Banana和向日葵种子早餐
- 鳄梨鞭
- 酿蓝莓法国吐司
- 西南早餐卷饼
- 鹰嘴豆酥色拉
- 烤素食煎蛋卷
- 鹰嘴豆酥色拉
- 黑豆和鸡Chilaquiles
- 西兰花和羊奶酪煎蛋卷与吐司
- 蜂蜜柚子香蕉
- 咖喱鸡蛋沙拉三明治
- 枫三文鱼绿党
- 西南辣豆豉辣椒
- 草莓鸡肉沙拉
- 泰国鸡肉裹西兰花
- 古巴三明治
- 希腊藜和鳄梨
- 味噌牛肉和面条
- 烧烤鸡肉沙拉
- 红扁豆鹰嘴豆泥
- 西南黑豆蛋糕
- 饼干紧缩冰沙
***此应用程序不断以新的食品和配方更新! ***
***每个配方具备的营养信息可以帮助您控制您的消耗热量。 ***